Midnight Pub


https://dimension.sh/~wrk/ - here is my short resume

i think it fresh info about me

my progects^

// downgrade.me.eu.org // old.net.eu.org // t.me/web_1_0 // ie5.pp.ua // w10.host //

2024-04-18 everyday life of hosting WEB 1.0
2024-04-14 site administration under DOS
2024-04-10 HamsterCMS updates and also hosting
2024-04-04 NEW WEB 1.0 HOSTING for old PC`s
2024-03-27 quark_theme_for_HamsterCMS
2024-03-15 HamsterCMS Echoes Bootstrap theme
2024-02-22 freshly baked release of the smallest flatfile CMS
2024-02-13 HamsterCMS - now works on PHP 8.*
2024-02-10 HamsterCMS Win95 theme
2024-01-26 Development. what does it look like under Internet Explorer 5 and DOS
2024-01-23 HTML 3.2 table layout under DOS
2024-01-19 Get ready to hamsterization! NEW theme
2024-01-16 our future in Internet
2024-01-08 Get ready to hamsterization!
2023-11-03 nostalgy