Midnight Pub


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My name is Woland. I am a writer and a musician.

I have a (useless) Masters degree in art and dramatic literature.

I will be posting some ideas here.

You can listen to my band's album :


You can also find my gemini capsule at:


Or Contact me in telegram @Wolandarkside

Or on Matrix @iconclast_666:matrix.org


2023-08-21 Terminal Metronome
2023-08-03 Heaviest Of Them All
2023-07-26 Survey | Which gemini browser do you use mostly?
2023-07-10 Excerpt From a Play
2023-06-21 There Is Only Power
2023-03-15 A bank for useful BASH scripts
2023-03-09 kin
2023-03-09 A Midnight Pub Custom CSS
2023-03-06 doas rm -rf *.past.*
2023-02-14 A FreeBSD Post Installation Script
2023-01-05 The Keeper of Sorrow
2022-12-21 Happy Yaldā
2022-12-03 Jasminum
2022-11-17 Nameless
2022-11-13 A short story in Farsi
2022-11-12 NON . EST . DEUS
2022-11-12 My first album is out!
2022-11-10 Iconclast
2022-11-10 Azhdahak III
2022-11-09 I made a gemsite on tilde
2022-11-07 This Great Xerox Machine
2022-11-05 On Human & Technology
2022-11-04 Azhdahak II
2022-11-03 Azhdahak I
2022-11-02 On Void
2022-11-01 Feast Of Flies